Weekly Play Days
You may play your play day on any day Tuesday through Sunday as long as it is with another LGA member. Only one card per week may be turned in and please put only two players per card with a separate line for putts. All cards must be dated, signed, and attested. There will be an established time for members to play at 10:15am every Wednesday beginning Wednesday, March 4th. There will be one point awarded for playing each week, one point for low gross, one point for low net, and one point for low putts. These points will be accumulated throughout the year with awards given at the Christmas party in December. A minimum of 10 play day cards are needed to qualify.
Birdie Tree
Birdies may be posted at any time starting the beginning of March through the end of October. This year you may post any birdie you get on any round, with or without playing with an LGA member. This is just to let us all show off our birdie accomplishments since many times we have birdies on non-play days. Julie will be making more birdies to support this change. Dianne will still be keeping track of the birdies scored on play day cards for the end of the year birdie award.
Upcoming Events
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